International range
Watermelons are a true summer crop that loves plenty of sun and nice, hot weather, so that the main growing areas are to be found in China, Turkey and the Balkan countries, as well as in all the countries around the Mediterranean. Rijk Zwaan focuses on breeding two watermelon types: SugarBaby and Crimson. With specific varieties for different growing areas we are working on an international range, in which Rijk Zwaan wants to distinguish itself with a strong crop and good fruit characteristics.
Our target, within the watermelon segment, is the fresh market in particular, for which we strive to develop a reliable crop that performs well in all conditions. Setting has to be easy and, preferably, not too early so that the crop gets a chance to develop. Resistances are also a major help in keeping the crop healthy. For a number of specific markets we are working on creating seedless fruits. And, last but not least, we always strive for an excellent presentation, flavour and colour.
New trends
At Rijk Zwaan we are increasingly looking for varieties that are specifically suitable for processors, thus playing into the trend for fresh-fruit salads. Important for these varieties is that they produce seedless fruits, with an average fruit size and excellent colour which is retained even after processing. At the moment Rijk Zwaan focuses mainly on melons with red fruit flesh but in the future more colours can be included in the range. Yellow fruit flesh for example is already an interesting niche market.
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